Evolution Finance – Not Rated
Review Date: February 1st, 2021
Evolution Finance is a self- sustainable locked liquidity protocol and lending/borrowing platform, powered by the EVN token. Evolution uses the renVM layer and other wrapping tools such as Binance Token Canal to port ERC-compliant assets beyond BTC, essentially building a margin funding/lending network for the top 50 native assets of blockchains including LTC, FIL, DOT, BCH, XRP, etc. on Ethereum, with the aim of capturing a massive and yet untapped market of lending/borrowing as this specific market is currently only exploited by CeFi and centralized platforms.
They already partnered with a few big names in the ecosystem such as DAO Maker or Ferrum Network. Another particularity of the project is the availability of 100% of the EVN tokens supply through liquidity pools on Uniswap at launch.
Evolution could become one of the leader protocols in DeFi if they manage to correctly address this market of assets not yet available on Ethereum DeFi as it will greatly expand the opportunities and provide new markets with big liquidity.
Unfortunately we currently don’t have access to any source code from the project, and we are still waiting to get our hands on proper audits of the solution but this is an opportunity to get early in a very promising protocol.