Token Metrics uses rolling 30-day Price Predictions.
Whenever you log in, we want to give you the best Price Prediction.
Our price predictions update daily.
Rolling Price Predictions are made using machine learning; data science.
The more data and past prices that our program collects, the more intelligent it gets and the better predictions that it will make.
So we update the Rolling Price Predictions every day to ensure you are looking at the best price prediction possible.
Please keep in mind that Rolling Price Predictions are produced by looking at only the past prices.
Rolling Price Predictions are not based on data such as Fundamentals or Technology grade.
If you make a trade using Rolling Price Predictions, please make sure to check the Price Prediction model in case it changes frequently.
We recommend checking the Rolling Price Predictions every 2-3 days to see if there are any updates.
If you have more questions about Rolling Price Predictions, please contact Token Metrics Support, and we will be glad to help you.